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What Question to Ask During Physical Therapy School Interview

physical therapy school physical therapy school interview pt school pt school interview Nov 09, 2021

Congratulations on getting a PT school interview! Now, I know there must be lots of jitters leading up to the day of your interview. Do you know how to answer the questions from the interview panel? Better yet, do you know what questions to ask at the end of your interview?


Asking this question will guarantee that you will stand out as a candidate to the interview panel:

“If I was struggling to learn classroom concepts, how would (PT school) help me so that I can be successful?”


Why is this question so important?

  1. This shows the interview panel that you are humble. It shows your honesty of knowing you will struggle at some point in the program, but you are willing to learn and get resources to be successful.
  2. It shows the panel you are already willing to seek help rather than doing things on your own.
  3. The panel’s answers will show you if this school actually cares about your success.


To get a free downloadable copy of a worksheet to give you ideas of questions you can ask at the end of your interview, click this link!

11 Unique Questions to Ask At the End of Your PT School Interview


To hear this tip more in-depth, check out this video.

What Question to Ask During Physical Therapy School Interview