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Tell Me about Yourself DOs and DONTs for the PT School Interview

physical therapy school physical therapy school interview pt school pt school interview Oct 26, 2021

Do you have physical therapy school interview coming up? The interviewer will surely ask you this big question: Tell me about yourself. Do you know how to answer it well? Here are some DOs and DONTs for your response.



  1. Talk about your professional life: qualifications, experiences, and why you are qualified for this role as a physical therapy student.
  2. Tell your response in an engaging, compelling, and clear way.
  3. Bring emotion into your answer.



  1. Don’t tell them about your personal life.
  2. Don’t talk about jobs that are unrelated to the interview.
  3. Don’t ramble on. Be clear, concise, and complete.
  4. Don’t list your resume. Focus on two or three major highlights that bring out the best part of you.
  5. Don’t start your answer with: “My name is blank and I am a blank major.”
    Instead, a better intro would be, “I currently work at a PT aid and my interest and passion for physical therapy grows daily. I want to be a PT because…”


To get a free downloadable copy of a worksheet to help you answer, "Tell me about yourself", click this link!

Learn the 3-Step Formula to answer "Tell me about yourself"


To hear these tips more in-depth, check out this video.

Tell Me about Yourself DOs and DONTs for the PT School Interview

To hear how to answer the question, "Tell me about yourself" more in-depth and hear a sample answer, check out this video.

Most Commonly Asked PT School Interview Question - SAMPLE ANSWER