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Most Commonly Asked Physical Therapy School Interview Question

physical therapy school physical therapy school interview pt school pt school interview Oct 19, 2021

You are guaranteed to be asked this question during your physical therapy school interview.

The question: tell me about yourself

Although many interviewers ask this question, many people do not know how to answer it wellin a way that will not only tell your interviewer who you are, but also prove to them that you are a great candidate for the program. So how do you respond to this question well? Here are three steps!

  1. Share who you are
  2. Share your highlights and experiences
  3. Share why you are here interviewing for this specific school

Before we get into it, I want you to remember to keep your response anywhere from 60-90 seconds and your answer should be in the perspective of your professional life, not your personal one. 

  1. Share who you are
    Share the title of your current role.

  2. Share your highlights and experiences
    Share two points on what makes you unique. Here are some topics that can help:
    -Anytime you might have saved time, money, improved profits, etc.
    -Learned a valuable lesson or realized something in the workplace.
    -You achieved something—award or major accomplishment.

  3. Share why you are here interviewing for this specific school
    You should acknowledge that you know what is required to be a PT student. This is the time you share your unique characteristics and experiences that would show why you would be a perfect fit for this program.


Your answer should be rehearsed, but don’t sound as if you are reading from a script. Make bullet points and use filler words to make it sound more natural. Practice, practice, practice! And remember to keep your answer within 60-90 seconds.


To get a free downloadable copy of a worksheet to help you answer, "Tell me about yourself", click this link!

Learn the 3-Step Formula to answer "Tell me about yourself"


To hear these tips more in-depth and hear a sample answer, check out this video.

Most Commonly Asked PT School Interview Question - SAMPLE ANSWER