
PT School Coaching Application

This is an application to give Dr. Justin Lee more information about where you are in your PT journey. Once you complete the application, you will be prompted to schedule and self-book a strategy session.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 13

What is your:


-Email address

-Best contact phone number

Question 2 of 13

Which cycle do you plan to apply to PT school? (Typically students will apply 1 year before the actual PT school start date - for example: students applying in the 2024-25 cycle will usually submit their application in Fall 2024 and start PT school sometime in 2025)

(Select all that apply)






Question 3 of 13

Please list BOTH your current standings:

-Overall GPA

-Prerequisite GPA (estimated)



Question 4 of 13

How many more classes do you need to take, and which ones do you need to take? (if none, type "none")

Question 5 of 13

What is your GRE score for the following or when did you take it? (if you have not taken the GRE, write ”not taken”)

-Date when you took the test (month and year)




Question 6 of 13

What type of clinical setting and how may observation hours do you have? [estimated is ok]

(ex: outpatient ortho 1000+, hospital inpatient 23, Skilled nursing facility 30, neuro clinic 40)

*if none, type "none"


Question 7 of 13

Please list your experiences [NOT pt clinic related things]


(does not have to be formal.. just rough estimates and bullets points are fine)


-how long

-1-2 sentences of your responsibilities

Question 8 of 13

What are your top 3 PT school choices? (these can change in the future, so don't feel like you're committing to anything!)

Question 9 of 13

What major obstacles or challenges are limiting you from getting accepted into PT school? (Usually, students say something like low GPA or GRE, not confident with writing skills, not enough experience, etc)

Question 10 of 13

What areas of your life do you feel need your greatest focus right now? (select as many as you want)

(Select all that apply)

Prerequisite classes


Increasing your GPA


Taking the GRE/improving your GRE score


Observation hours


Extra Curricular Activities / Leadership Experiences


Letter of recommendation


Personal Statement + Supplemental Questions (essay help)



Question 11 of 13

What are you looking for in a PT school coach?

Question 12 of 13

Please have your unofficial transcript ready when we have our strategy session (you dont need to email it to me)


Got it! I'll have it ready

Question 13 of 13

The next page has the link to self-book the complimentary strategy session with Dr. Justin Lee.

Are you ready?


YES. I'm ready to book a free session!

Confirm and Submit